TCG EFI Platform Specification


This document is about the processes that boot an EFI platform and boot an OS on that platform. Specifically, this specification contains the requirements for measuring boot events into TPM PCRs and adding boot event entries into the Event Log.

FAQ’s for TCG EFI Protocol and Platform Specification Version 1.22 for TPM 1.2

TCG EFI Protocol and Platform Specification Version 1.22 for TPM 1.2 FAQ

January 2014

Why was this update needed?

These specifications were last updated in 2006. Since then, a number of errata and issues were identified and several new measurements were requested. There was confusion due to overlaps and inconsistencies between the EFI and Conventional Bios specifications.

What changed in the TCG EFI Protocol Spec?

What changed in the TCG EFI Platform Spec?